Re: comments on issue 5.19 (classes as instances) and 4.6 (equivalentTo)

> [I found this note surprisingly difficult to write.  I may end up
> significantly revising it due to comments from the group.]


> R2/ two names have the same class extension
> R3/ two names have the same property extension


I'm having a mixed stance I think...
(leaving out the (x,y)'s and having
-> for implies and /-> for notImplies)

[c1] sameClassAs        ->   R2
[c2] sameClassAs       /->  equivalentTo
[c3] sameClassAs       /->  sameIndividualAs

[p1] samePropertyAs     ->   R3
[p2] samePropertyAs    /->   equivalentTo
[p3] samePropertyAs    /->   sameIndividualAs

[i1] sameIndividualAs   ->   sameClassAs
[i2] sameIndividualAs   ->   samePropertyAs
[i3] sameIndividualAs   ->   equivalentTo

[e1] equivalentTo       ->   sameClassAs
[e2] equivalentTo       ->   samePropertyAs
[e3] equivalentTo       ->   sameIndividualAs

and because of [i3] and [e3], I propose
to drop sameIndividualAs and just keep

[c1] sameClassAs        ->   R2
[c2] sameClassAs       /->   equivalentTo

[p1] samePropertyAs     ->   R3
[p2] samePropertyAs    /->  equivalentTo

[e1] equivalentTo       ->   sameClassAs
[e2] equivalentTo       ->   samePropertyAs

and some consequences

[e1][c1] equivalentTo   ->   R2
[e2][p2] equivalentTo   ->   R3

[have to continue when it's a bit cooler here...]

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Monday, 29 July 2002 18:23:34 UTC