Re: Why do we need reasoning services?

[forgot to say that I also fully support the need for reasoning services]


> 2 - another reason to support reasoning services is so that an application
> can not only make a conclusion but also so that the application can defend
> or justify the conclusion.
> I have been spending time lately with analysts trying to understand how we
> can make systems more useful to them and their consistent number one
> criterian is understanding the results of a system, thus understanding
> when they can truly trust the system to come to the same conclusion they
> would.
> When an underlying system has well defined semantics, the foundation for
> providing justifications to the implicit facts (not just the explict
> facts) is available.

I think that you couln't be more right!
I'm feeling in a meta-stable position
w.r.t. to explainability as from the one side
belonging to the proof layer and from the other
side being quite straightforward to do (now)


Received on Sunday, 20 January 2002 13:52:28 UTC