Re: Why do we need reasoning services?


> It is also worth pointing out that even incompleteness can be a
> serious problem in this context. E.g., if process P1 takes some
> action, or passes on some result to a process P2 based on the fact
> that a resource r is not of type C, then this action/information will
> be "unsound" in the case where an incomplete reasoner failed to detect
> the fact that r really is of type C. After combining/chaining the
> results of several incomplete reasoners, we may end up with little
> more than random noise.

maybe the "not" is the problem here...
the good news is that
  Just as the design of the Web sacrificed link integrity for
  scalability, the "all knowledge about my thing is contained
  here" notion cannot hold when databases and objects are
  exported to the Web. A great benefit to relaxing this
  assumption will be that, just as hypertext links connect
  different information systems, the Semantic Web will connect
  data from vastly different systems, allowing complex and
  far-reaching processing of a wide store of available data.
]] --

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Saturday, 19 January 2002 19:54:07 UTC