Intro for new (alternate) member to WebOnt

Larry Eshelman, Philips Research, Briarcliff, New York

My interest in the WebOnt working group stems from my interest
in ontologies for health care and in particular how the health care
domain can benefit from Semantic Web technologies.

- B.Sc. degree in mathematics (Purdue university)
- Ph.D. in philosophy (University of Waterloo)

- 1983-88: Research faculty of the Computer Science Department at
  Carnegie Mellon University for five years working in the area of
  knowledge acquisition for expert systems.
- 1988-present: Research scientist at Philips Research, Briarcliff, NY.
  My research focus at Philips has been in two areas: (1) machine learning /
  data mining and (2) ontologies for the medical and health care domain.

Received on Thursday, 28 February 2002 11:23:21 UTC