AW: Lexical representations

I'm opposed to changing the text from lexical representations to user
displayable texts.
Many of our applications indeed rely heavily on lexical representations.
E.g. we use word stems to provide references from documents to ontological
entities in our
conceptual search application. Word stems are lexical representations for
entities but not intended for user display at all. Some subset of lexical
that is labels / documentations are intended for human consumption.


-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
[]Im Auftrag von Jeremy Carroll
Gesendet: Freitag, 22. Februar 2002 10:54
An: Peter F. Patel-Schneider
Cc: www-webont-wg
Betreff: RE: Lexical representations

> Unfortunately, I don't think that this does the trick.  An ontology
> identifier is, I think, a URI reference.  At least that is what the second
> requirement appears to be saying.


I think you are saying that the term "ontology identifier" is being used for
two different things. In the second req. as the identifier for an ontology,
in this req. as an identifier for some object within the ontology.

I didn't feel very comfortable with your "If ..." since that appeared to be
weakening the requirement to an optional one (although I don't think that
was your intent).

How about hacking "same ontology identifier" to be "same identifier of an
object within an ontology". It's a bit wordy, but I hope it's good enough.
i.e. the whole section being:

User displayable labels
The language must support specifying multiple alternative user displayable
labels for the same identifier of an object within an ontology .
This can be used, for example, to view the ontology in different natural

Received on Monday, 25 February 2002 07:39:24 UTC