Re: use cases: pls elaborate portal use case a bit, etc.

At 4:04 PM -0500 2/16/02, Jeff Heflin wrote:
>Good editing suggestions. We'll add them to our list of changes.
>You bring up the point of many use cases having requirements listed with
>them, including "requirements" that the working group didn't approve.
>This is an unfortunate side-effect of not having enough time to edit the
>use cases before the document was due. We will go through the use cases
>and straighten this out.
>ACTION: Remove requirements from the individual use case sections.
>Update requirements and objectives to link to any use case that listed

Jeff - an easier fix might be simply to change the word 
"requirements" to "needs" or something like that -- I think having 
the specific features that these uses case are asking about held near 
the use cases was useful to me in reading the document - JH

Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
AV Williams Building, Univ of Maryland		  College Park, MD 20742

Received on Saturday, 16 February 2002 19:26:01 UTC