RE: Issue: Add hasValue to OWL Lite

On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 08:32, Peter Crowther wrote:
> Hmm.  Repeated and sustained argument for one point of view from the
> Chair on an issue that will come to a vote.  Whatever happened to
> Chair's impartiality per W3C Process?

The word 'impartial' doesn't occur in the W3C process document.

The chair's job is to facilitate consensus in a group.
They're not prohibited from taking positions, as long
as it doesn't interfere with that job. They're required
to be vendor-neutral, but they're expected to lead
the group, and sometimes that means taking a technical

>  Dan - just on the off chance that
> this partiality could be seen as trying to influence the vote, what
> would Network Inference do to make a formal complaint about this abuse
> of Professor Hendler's position as Chair?

The only formal mechanism I'm aware of is
"Appeal of a Chair's decision" under
4.1.2 Group Consensus and Votes.

Informally, you're welcome to contact the team contact,
i.e. me, about abuse by the chair or anybody else.

> 		- Peter
Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2002 10:01:46 UTC