SEM/TEST: "a" owl:differentFrom "b", no?

Pat, SEM/TEST folks...

In another thread, I saw...
  "i.e. the universe has cardinality 1"

there aren't any consistent OWL KBs where
that's the case, are there?

After all,

	"a" owl:differentFrom "b".

is true in every OWL KB, no?

Hmm... you can't write that in
the exchange syntax due to
"literals can't be subjects" syntax
limitations in RDF/XML...
but I can phrase it as a test:

	_:x owl:sameAs "a".
	_:x owl:differentFrom "b".

Hmm... maybe that's not in the OWL DL
subset... hmm... I can't think of a
way to fit the question in OWL DL off
the top of my head...

Is this a new isssue?

Perhaps it's part of the datatypes issue?

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 11 December 2002 17:35:37 UTC