WOWG: agenda Aug 15 telecon

August 15, 2002

1200 US East Coast
0900 US West Coast
1700 London

Duration: 60-90 minutes


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Chair: Guus Schreiber
Scribe: please volunteer

1) ADMIN (10-15 min)

1.1) Roll call

Regrets:  Carroll, Heflin, Klein, Motta, Stein

1.2) Minutes August 1 telecon

PROPOSED to accept the following as a true record:

1.3) Agenda amendments

1.4) Next telecon

- August 22, per regular schedule.
- scribe volunteer is solicited;

1.5) FTF schedule

- Bristol prep

- location 5th ftf

2) ACTION ITEM REVIEW (chair, 5-10 min)

ACTION: JH to announce WGs to RDF-Interest, and RDF-logic.

ACTION: Mike Dean, Deb McGuinness, Ian Horrocks.  To track responses to
docs, editors of released docs should monitor mailing list.  Can
subscribe by sending email to
with subject "subscribe".

ACTION: Pat will attempt to take abstract syntax, and Peter's MT and
     the mapping into RDF and will write a model theory in the Connolly
     style (i.e. as an extension to RDF MT) and see if he can identify
     the exact issues. Target deadline: three weeks (July 25). - change
     of due date to Aug 1.
CONTINUED: expected to be completed by Aug 19

ACTION Larry Eshelman to contribute example to how-to-do-it doc

ACTION: Evan Wallace will writeup a description of a recent OMG meeting 
that concerned UML and OWL, and the process he is running at OMG, and 
will post that to the WG.

ACTION (Raphael): will make a large ontology available to test readers.

ACTION: Hendler produce test for issue 4.2

ACTION: Dan C. to work with Pat H to reconcile the issues of missing
     discussion of model theory in the log

ACTION: Jim will solicit reviews for appropriate working groups. By Aug.

ACTION: Peter Patel-Schneider to send out longer note (re issue 4.6) and
people to reply.

ACTION: Jeremy Carroll to remove .rdf suffixes

ACTION: Mike Dean to add appendix and keep up-to-date.

3) SEMANTICS progress (20-25 min)

[This item will be also on next week's agenda with Pat's note on the
MT as input (Pat will distribute by Monday)]

- short discussion on the two proto-proposals for OWL semantics
[Peter/Ian will distribute executive summary]

- when appropriate: straw poll(s) on key decisions

4) GUIDE progress (10-15 min)

- OWL walkthrough/primer
Issue: feedback, planning till ftf, relation to RDF primer

- OWL-UML OMG activities
Issue: feedback, planning dependencies

- How-to-do-it document
Issue: feedback on proposal

5) LANG working drafts (6-10 min.)

Short discussion on public comments received sofar.

6) A.O.B (0-5 min)

- scribe for Aug 22

A. Th. Schreiber, SWI, University of Amsterdam,

Received on Wednesday, 14 August 2002 11:03:30 UTC