RE: SEM: comprehensive entailments without dark triples

From: "Jeremy Carroll" <>
Subject: RE: SEM: comprehensive entailments without dark triples
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 17:28:12 +0100

> > 
> > The problem with these comprehension principles is that they do not
> > generate non-tree structures.  Therefore classes that are not in the form
> > of trees (yes, this is rather vague, but my previous message gives one
> > example) will not be consequences.
> > 
> I agree, that was an objective.
> Jeremy


Do you mean that classes that are not in the form of trees will not be
consequences?  This leads to what is to me a very strange logical system in
which the comprehension principle only works for some kinds of

Consider the following KB:


	John rdf:type Person .
	John rdf:type :_1 .
	:_1 daml:onProperty child .
	:_1 daml:cardinality "0" .

As John has no children it seems to me that it should be a theorem of the
logical system that John belongs to any value restriction on child.

However, this is not the case.
Consider the following KBs:


	:_2 daml:onProperty child .
	:_2 daml:toClass Person .


	:_3 daml:onProperty child .
	:_3 daml:toClass :_3.

KB1 entails KB2, but does not entail KB3.


Received on Tuesday, 23 April 2002 03:21:32 UTC