Re: TEST, SEM: test cases for dark triples

> Here is another test case
> R:
>      John rdf:type Person .
>      Bill rdf:type Person .
>      John child Bill .
> entailing
>      John rdf:type _:1 .
>      _:1 rdf:type daml:Restriction .
>      _:1 rdf:onProperty child .
>      _:1 rdf:hasClass :_1 .
> This is a very different situation from that in Jeremy's cases, even case C.

Peter, it is _:label ;-) (just think about an anonymous namespace prefix)

could it be that that restriction is the class Person itself???
at least that's what we get after some testing

  ( <>
    <> )
    <> .


  :John a :Person .
  :Bill a :Person .
  :John :child :Bill .


  :John a ( owl:Restriction _:x owl:onProperty :child owl:hasClass _:x ) .

we use
more specifically entailment rule9g and rule9h
which is using shorthand () list notation
(maybe too liberal, but this is just testing...)

the proof argument we find is

      <> .
    :Bill a :Person.
    :John :child :Bill} log:implies
  {:John a ( owl:Restriction :Person owl:onProperty :child owl:hasClass :Person)}.

speaking about selfreference...


Received on Monday, 22 April 2002 19:18:55 UTC