Re: Amsterdam f2f issue 1

>The following issue was raised at the Amsterdam face-to-face meeting.
>This is an attempt to capture it in text, as promised in the conference
>call of 11 April, 2002.
>  DAML+OIL has concepts of UniqueProperty and UnambiguousProperty that
>  are very useful but whose names seem to cause some confusion for
>  people learning the language.  Assuming we have the same concepts in
>  OWL, we should decide on names that will be intuitive or at least
>  minimize confusion.  For a DAML+OIL triple (S,P,0), if P is a
>  uniqueProperty then S, the subject value, uniquely identifies O, the
>  object value.  If P is an UnambiguousProperty then then O determines S.

I suggest HasOnlyOne for UniqueProperty and IsTheOnlyOne for 
UnambiguousProperty. Then one could say things like HasOnlyOne Father 
(or IsTheOnlyOne FatherOf.)

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Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2002 19:40:03 UTC