WOWG: Potential new issues

As discussed at the f2f, we wish to keep an explicit issues list, 
building off of the one Mike Smith circulated before the f2f.  John 
Borden and I believe the following issues were raised at the f2f
  In order to get one of these on the issues list, you should write it 
up (just a couple of sentences), send email to WebOnt tagged ISSUE: 
and we will get these added to an official issues list and start 
maintaining this.


Should we rename unique property?

what is the list of extra-logical features (equal to DAML or including more?)
How do we address the "tagging" requirements

What do we do about InverseOf (highly used feature, potential logical 
porblems - left out of OWL-full proposal)

what should the defaults be (Single/ muliple;required/ optional)

What level is cardinality at, in what ways? Do we have "cardinality" 
as well as min/max cardinality.

Is owl:class different from rdfs:class (relates to level 0 issue)

Will RDFS be level 0 of OWL?  (i.e. is RDFS : Level 1 :: Level 1 : Level 2)

Where does Defined Class go?
Where do complementOf, UnionOf, etc. go?

Does OWL need global restrictions?

How are we handling complex XML datatypes  (RDF does simple, our Req 
says complex)

Do we have equivalentTO in level 1 (as idiom for same instance/property/class)
What happens when a class is equivalentTo a instance?
What happens when a class is equivalentTo a property?

What is our current perspective on round-tripping?

Does OWL provide "model checking" functionality -- that is, does OWL 
constrain RDF graphs (i.e. can we constrain the RDF graph; e.g can 
you fix the "two cardinality" problem)
  note: NO, this goes to presentation?

Do we allow foo:bar owl:subPropertyOf rdf:type??

Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
AV Williams Building, Univ of Maryland		  College Park, MD 20742

Received on Tuesday, 9 April 2002 14:10:12 UTC