Use cases

Apologies for the late posting.  This week coincided with the SOAP WG ftf.

Use case 1:

In general, I am articulating the role Ontologies play in our Information
Architecture.  the things we like to do include:
              1) Find the right person for this job.  2) Intelligent query
answering. 3) Preserving and
              increasing corporate knowledge. 4) Find a historical case and
reapply to current
              situtaion. etc...

              To do the above tasks, I plan on using an Ontology Management
System to define
              domain specific concepts.  This ontology should captutre how we
do business in a
              particular department.  The ontology should also describe the
individuals roles in that
              Having defined the ontology, I will look to capture some of the
concepts embedded in
              the documents we exchange every day.  These concepts could then
be used to augment
              the ontology and for intelligent query answering (semantic

Use case 2:

I am investigating the role ontologies play in automating the development of
distributed software systems.  Typically, for two systems to communicate
successfully, requires apriori knowledge of both systems.  Although Web
services activities ( SOAP, WSDL) enable the interoperability of J2ee and .Net,
the programmer needs to know at design time which interfaces are available,
where a particular service is residing, the encoding model of the data.  My
goal is to reduce this apriori knowledge.

Thank you;

Received on Thursday, 29 November 2001 07:37:11 UTC