Re: What shall we call the web ontology language??

Michael Sintek wrote:

>         SWOL  -- Semantic Web Ontology Language

Hans Akkermans (close colleague of Guus Schreiber and myself here in Amsterdam), has done his homework. You can see the results at

There are more names to choose from there then we will ever need.

In response to this list, Shirley Tessler and Avron Barr have suggested SOL (Standard Ontology Language), which is currently also Hans' favourite.

I would have proposed XOL (XML-based Ontology Language). This would have had the advantage of dis-antagonising the folk-who-claim-you-can-do-all-of-this-in-XML, but unfortunately XOL is already in use for an XML based ontology language. 

So, take your pick from
(and don't forget about SOL).


PS: shall we discuss our logo next ? :-)

Received on Thursday, 22 November 2001 16:05:21 UTC