WebOnt Plans (Call for feedback)

I think we're finally getting over the administrivia hurdle and its 
time to get things going full speed.  We've had several new additions 
to the group, and Dan will have them all on the web page and in the 
DB soon.

Please note the emails about the f2f, we're now scheduled and 
starting to work on making sure that is an effective meeting for 
getting us ready to hit short term goals (like 1st document release 
in Feb) as well as to clarify our longer term goals and actions.

I have also been setting up a plan for our next few telecons -- I 
want to balance both "education" in making sure we all know what is 
currently available, and brainstorming - helping us set the agenda 
for the WG.

To this end, I would like each call to have about 30 min at the 
beginning where we will go through some of the existing resources our 
group can build on.  For the first phone call, Mike Dean has agreed 
to go through http://www.daml.org to introduce some of the useful 
tools and applications available to our group, and to point to some 
of the archives of language discussions, etc. (you should already be 
familiar with the location of the DAML+OIL language definitions, if 
not - please go to [1] and bookmark it (and start reading!)

The following call (Dec 6) will include a walkthru of the DAML 
walkthru document by Frank van Harmelen.

** Dec 13 will be aimed at looking at some of the other aspects of 
the document and language - please send me suggestions of topics you 
feel would be important.

In addition to these introductions, we will begin some brainstorming 
sessions aimed at deciding what the WG will produce at what level 
(and then scheduling those).  To start this, I am assigning a 
"homework assignment" (next message) for all participants (hey, I'm a 
College Professor in my spare time, homework is what I know :->)
** You'll be asked to think about how you would evaluate a language 
such as ours, and to discuss this on the phone.

We're at the start of an exciting ride, but we need to get moving and 
keep moving to hit our schedules and to get our work known.

-Jim H.

p.s. This message, as with all others I send, invites you to comment 
to me personally or to the WG mailing list as appropriate!

** = WG action requested.

[1] http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil-index.html
Professor James Hendler				  hendler@cs.umd.edu
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
AV Williams Building, Univ of Maryland		  College Park, MD 20742

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2001 16:53:25 UTC