Introduction: Michael Kohlhase

Dear all,

I am representing the German Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
(DFKI) in Saarbr"ucken, Germany in this Working group. 

I am adjunct associate professor at the department of computer science at
Carnegie Mellon University and associate professor at the computer science
department of the University of Saarland at Saarbr"ucken. I physically
mostly at CMU, which makes my Airport 
<apt:Airport rdf:about="">
  <apt:name>Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh International Airport, PA, United States </apt:name>

I have studied pure mathematics at the University of Bonn (1989), and did
my dissertation on higher-order unification and automated theorem proving
(1994, University of Saarland). Since then, he has taken up research in
applying techniques from automated deduction in natural language
semantics. His current research interests include automated theorem proving
and knowledge representation for mathematics, which is my current hobby
horse, and my immediate connection to the group.

I am developing a mathematical Knowledge base [1] and an xml-based
representation langugage for mathematical knowledge [2], the ultimate goal
is a content-based representation of all of mathematics (yes, I know I am
crazy) with full machine support. 

I am a member of the OpenMath consortium and the W3C MathML Working
group. Anything else, you can find out at [3]. 


   Dr. Michael Kohlhase,                tel/fax (1) 412-268-5749/6298
   School of Computer Science (LTI)     net: <>
   Carnegie Mellon University 
   5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa  15213-3891

Received on Thursday, 8 November 2001 15:02:54 UTC