Webont WG

Due to a technical snafu, some of my mail has been forwarding, some 
hasn't.  The only way I can know if this is fixed is if you will 
reply to this email if you receive it.
  Jim Hendler, WG Chair


We now have details of first telecon -- I post them now and will send 
info again with the agenda sometime prior to the call.

Date: Monday Nov 12
Time: 3:00PM (1500) US East Coast Time (New York Time)
Dialing in info:

>Please follow the instructions below:
>Dial +1.617.761.6200
>Passcode: 1038
>At the "enter your passcode followed by the pound key" message,
>enter the passcode then press#.
>During the conference you can mute your audio by entering 61#.
>You will hear a rapid three-tone confirmation when your command
>has been recognized. To unmute your audio so you can again
>be heard, enter 60#. You will hear a different (lower) rapid three-tone
>confirmation. If you enter either command more than once in
>succession you will only hear one set of confirmation tones.

We expect the duration to be about 60-90 minutes.


Message-Id: <p04330116b807a75782a0@[]>
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 20:53:22 -0500
To: www-webont-wg@w3.org
From: Jim Hendler <hendler@cs.umd.edu>
Subject: Getting started

Welcome to the web ontology working group (or, as Aaron Swartz
referred to it in a chat room today - the WOW-G).  Time for us to get
started, here's what I'd like you to do.

1)  As I sent out yesterday, please send a bio to the mailing list so
we can figure out who we all are and what we do.

2) Dan Connolly is building an RDF database of the info on all of us.
He'd like to display this on the map.  Please include in your bio
your lat/long (either in coordinates, or at least in nearest city
terms -- from your affiliations we can't tell what time zones people
are in)

3) We will have the first telecon on Monday, November 12, at 3PM US
East Coast Time.  If you have any specific items you'd like discussed
please let me know.  [[One agenda item will be when (Day/time) to
have our weekly calls,  so if you cannot make the Monday time, let me
know (and let me know particulalry good/bad times) - to avoid mailing
list overuse, please send that to me, not to the whole group]]

4) Peter Patel-Schneider has volunteered to host the first
face-to-face meeting at Lucent -- East Coast US.  Details will be
forthcoming.  We are looking at the week of January 14th, 2002.  Let
me know if you have any topic/organizational suggestions for that

The reading list on the web page is quite large, and most of it is
important background, so we urge you to read those that you are not
familiar with.  Of particular import to this group is the DAML+OIL
language description, which we are chartered to consider as, essentially,
a draft for our language.  If you have not already, you will want to
read through the documents at [1] which will be of concern to all of us.

   Please start sending those bios, and lets get this group moving!
   Jim H.

[1] http://www.daml.org/2001/03/daml+oil-index.html

Professor James Hendler				  hendler@cs.umd.edu
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
AV Williams Building, Univ of Maryland		  College Park, MD 20742

Received on Friday, 2 November 2001 15:50:24 UTC