no empty strings in DAV

section 5.5.3 says "Empty strings (zero length strings) are not NULL  values."

I think this should be

"Empty property values are not NULL  values."

because 'empty string' is not a DAV concept, but 'empty value' is.

Many DAV properties may be empty (e.g. resourcetype, lockdiscovery).
Nowhere does DAV speak of empty 'strings'.

Moreoever, in XML (which DAV uses) there does not seem to be any way to
make this distinction.  That is, the XML <foo></foo>  is just empty.  It
does not contain a zero a length string, it just does not contain anything.
 So I do not see how a property in DAV could ever come to contain an 'empty

Any objection to changing the language?


Received on Monday, 14 September 1998 13:02:19 UTC