DOM in and KVPs

Hi there,

as I am working my way through the tests, I came onto test561, where the content of send is XML. The test assumes that is a DOM and operates on it:

<send event="foo">
   <books xmlns="">
     <book title="title1"/>
     <book title="title2"/>
<transition event="foo" cond="'book')[1].getAttribute('title') == 'title2'" target="pass"/>

My question is: How does the document in is supposed to look? At the moment I have:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <book title="title1"/>
 <book title="title2"/>

Which assumes that there is only a single element as the child of <content>. The alternative is to introduce a top-level element (e.g. <content>) and have the send contents as its child nodes - which is more generic but unspecified as far as I can tell.

Also in test562, it is written that "in the ECMA data model, test that processor creates space normalized string in when receiving anything other than KVPs or XML in an event". The test references C2, which talks about space-normalizing string literals from data elements, but not as part of content. Also, am I to assume that KVPs are key/value pairs? That is, I would have to distinguish three cases with the content in send:

1. content has at least one node of type element
 -> use the DOM representation
2. content is only a node of type text
 -> space-normalize
3. content is a set of key/value pairs
 -> provide a hash in 

I guess the last case only applies with an empty <content> and the namelist attribute or param elements inside <send>?

Best regards

Received on Saturday, 30 March 2013 16:44:47 UTC