Re: Bug with deep and shallow history in pseudo-code

I think that in this case children doesn't mean history nodes.  I think you
only enter history nodes if they are explicitly targetted by a transition
but not during the recursive enter states algorithm.

I believe there are other problems with enter states but I don't think this
is one of them.


On Sat, Feb 9, 2013 at 11:04 AM, Stefan Radomski <> wrote:

> Hi again,
> the SCXML document at [1] will put my interpreter in an illegal state
> configuration. I am sure that there is a more concise example that would
> accomplish the same, but it is part of Jacob's test framework.
> Initial:
>   Enabled transitions: {root -> a}
>   Stable initial configuration: {a}
> t1 arrives:
>   Enabled transitions: {a -> p}
>   Stable configuration: {p, b, b1, b1.1, c, c1, c1.1}
> t2 arrives:
>   Enabled transitions: {b1.1 -> b1.2, c1.1 -> c1.2}
>   Stable configuration: {p, b, b1, c, c1, b1.2, c1.2}
> t3 arrives:
>   Enabled transitions: {b1.2 -> b2, c1.2 -> c2}
>   Stable configuration: {p, b, c, b2, b2.1, c2, c2.1}
> t4 arrives:
>   Enabled transitions: {b2.1 -> b2.2, c2.1 -> c2.2}
>   Stable configuration: {p, b, c, b2, c2, b2.2, c2.2}
> When t5 arrives, we exit everything and enter "a" again, thus we have to
> save three histories:
>   hp: {b2.2, c2.2}
>   hb: {b2.2}
>   hc: {c2}
>   Stable configuration: {a}
> t6 will transition into "p" again and bring the interpreter into an
> illegal configuration:
>   addStatesToEnter will realize that "p" is parallel an attempt to enter
> all its children
>     Entering hp will enter {b2.2, c2.2} as its history
>     As "p" is parallel, we will enter "c" as well, as it is compound, we
> will enter its initial shallow history "hc", adding "c2"
>       "c2" is compound and its initial state "c2.1" will be entered.
> -> we now have "c2.2" and "c2.1" in the configuration which is illegal.
> Who is supposed to prevent "c2" from entering its initial state? We
> already entered "c2.2" per deep history from "hp" and now the shallow
> history from "hc" wants to enter "c2" and ultimately its initial state
> "c2.1" leading to an invalid configuration.
> Best regards
> Stefan
> [1]

A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds - Emerson

Received on Saturday, 9 February 2013 18:59:55 UTC