Re: xsd validation bug in scxml? cvc-complex-type.2.4.b

The xsd is the scxml official one. I have copied in local and fixed like I
said because the error is with the Eclipse xsd validator.

Thanks a lot.
El 24/11/2012 20:35, "Henry S. Thompson" <> escribió:

> Your problem is probably that arising because your schema is invalid
> per XML Schema 1.0 (it's full of violations of the Unique Particle
> Attribution constraint, informally known as the "no non-determinism
> constraint"),
> Invalid:
>    non-deterministic content model for type scxml.history.type:
>    {Wildcard: ##any, lax}/{}:transition
> and whatever schema processor you're using is ignoring the invalidity
> and causing the problem, which arises because the optional
> xsd:group/scxml.extra.content is accepting your transition element,
> thereby leaving no transition to be accepted by the required
> xsd:element/transition.
> Fix your schema, and the problem will go away.  Or use an XML Schema
> 1.1 processor, because per XML Schema 1.1 _most_ of your UPA
> violations go away (there are only 2 left:
>   <schemaError char="2" line="281" phase="instance"
>                resource="
> content model for type scxml.if.type: {
> </schemaError>
>   <schemaError char="2" line="119" phase="instance"
>     resource="">non-deterministic
> content model for type scxml.finalize.type: {Wildcard: ##any,
> lax}/{Wildcard: ##any, lax}</schemaError>
> Or, it's possible you are already using a 1.1 processor, and it has a
> bug in its content-model validation when it should be preferring an
> element test to a wildcard test.
> ht
> --
>        Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
>       10 Crichton Street, Edinburgh EH8 9AB, SCOTLAND -- (44) 131 650-4440
>                 Fax: (44) 131 650-4587, e-mail:
>                        URL:
>  [mail from me _always_ has a .sig like this -- mail without it is forged
> spam]

Received on Saturday, 24 November 2012 21:43:27 UTC