Re: [scxml] sixth WD of SCXML is published


Here are responses to two more of your requests.  We will respond to the
rest as we review them.


2. Would it be possible for transition/@event to be of type NMTOKENS
instead of NMTOKEN?

>> We have accepted this request.  In the next public working draft, it
will be possible to specify multiple event names in transition/@event
(though we haven't decided exactly what type to use in the schema.)


What happens if a <history> with no default transition is the target 

of a transition?

>>  This cannot happen because the transition is mandatory.  Section
3.11.2 says that the transition child "Occurs once."  However, the
schema  needs to be fixed since it makes the transition child optional.
This will be fixed in the next draft.  


-          Jim 


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Received on Thursday, 19 November 2009 19:55:52 UTC