Re: CCXML WD 19012007 - Limiting amount of connection inputs and other comments. [cc] ISSUE-570


Just to close out this thread we have applied the change as outlined  
below that should help clarify the issue. We are going to now close  
out the issue.

Thanks again for the attention to the spec and your assistance in  
finding these kinds of issues.

Best regards,


On May 14, 2009, at 11:41 AM, RJ Auburn wrote:

> Item 2:
> We think there's just confusion over the fact that we said that the  
> platform must implicitly tear down bridges.  That's different from  
> saying the platform must tear down implicit bridges; We don't think  
> we ever meant to say that implicit vs. explicit bridges would be  
> handled differently on a <dialogterminate>.  It seems that this  
> could be resolved relatively easily by simply dropping the word  
> "implicitly" at the tail end of

RJ Auburn
CTO, Voxeo Corporation
Chair, Editor and Chair, CCXML, VBWG, W3C

Received on Thursday, 16 July 2009 14:00:37 UTC