


I had a Query regarding the creation of bridges in case of implicit join to
a connection using <dialgprepare>


1.       create a session.

2.       create 2 connections say conn1 and conn2.

3.       preapare dialog x on conn1

4.       preapare dialog x on conn2

since the "Implicit bridges created using <dialogprepare>/<dialogstart> (by
specifing 'connectionid' or 'conferenceid') are established when the dialog
is started. No bridging events are generated; the 'dialog.started' event
indicates that the dialog was started and the bridge is in place."
Connection object will not be updated till dialog.started is received. And
so Connection objects of both conn1 and conn2 will not contain dialog id
which are just been prepared on them. Only session object will be updated.


So now.

Say conn1 gets connection.failed.

Now if I want to clear the dialog created on conn1 then I cant access
dialogid through event$.connection.dialogid  as connection object is not
updated.(dialog is not started still) , I cant even access it through
session variables. As session variable will intern access connection object.

And also session.dialogs[] , will give dialog id but they don't give to
which connection the dialog belongs.

So , how can I access the dialog id of conn1.


Please let me know.



Murali dhar R



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Received on Monday, 22 January 2007 20:27:22 UTC