Re : RE: SCXML Issues - Intervoice

James Barnett, Skip Cave

<parallel final="true>? is definitely the Syntax Error ( as per the SCXML draft and Schema, <parallel> not having final)

also I think the issue is like...

state S1 having <parallel> as follow

  <state id="PS1" >  
  <state id="PS2" >
  <state id="PS3" >

state PS1,PS2 and PS3 Having further sub-states (Nested States).

PS1--->PS11,PS12,PS13.(sub-state of PS1)

PS11--->PS111,PS112 also   <state id='PS111' final='true'>

so when PS111  and final=true executed what should happen to state PS2,PS3 (or Sub-state of them ). (which are parallely running with PS1 or sub-state/parallel of PS1)

Thanking You,

Raxit Sheth

>Semantic Questions/Issues:
>1.	With regard to Schema Issue/Question #6, what are the semantic
>implications of
><parallel final="true>?
>>>Good question.  That's either an error or an odd borderline case.  It will


Raxit Sheth
Systems Software Engineer

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Received on Monday, 13 February 2006 10:52:21 UTC