VoiceXML 2.1 Comment

On behalf of the Protocols and Formats Working Group (WAI):

We are concerned that the security provisions specified in Appendix E:
Securing access to <data>


would negatively impact accessibility.

*	It is reasonable to believe that various agencies and service
*	organizations might create specialized scripts to better meet
*	the interface needs of certain populations of persons with
*	disabilities who cannot directly use a voice-based service
*	without special accomodation. Indeed, we believe such enhanced
*	interfaces could provide access to information and services were
*	it does not exist today. Protecting this opportunity is
*	important.

*	The mechanism outlined in Appendix E, however, tends to limit
*	access to organizations known to the organization hosting the
*	VoiceXML application. Agencies serving persons with
*	disabilities, however, are likely to be unknown and of lesser
*	commercial impact. It is likely, therefore, that agencies
*	serving persons with disabilities would find it dificult to be
*	listed.

*	Furthermore, the mechanism specified in Appendix E would require
*	agencies serving persons with disabilities to seek listing with
*	every VoiceXML application host individually. This is burdensome
*	and likely to result in spotty accessibility support at best.

We would suggest the security control provisions be reconsidered to
provide for a authenticated access vouched and certified by a
third-party trust broker. While such services may not be commonplace
today, we believe numerous use case scenarios exist for such
services--beyond the current instance.

				Janina Sajka, Chair
				Accessibility Workgroup
				Free Standards Group (FSG)

janina@freestandards.org	Phone: +1 202.494.7040

Received on Thursday, 2 September 2004 12:52:46 UTC