Implementation report test depenencies on URL's

There are a number of test assertion scripts that depend on specific files.  Eg: #526 at:

Running test #526 fails because the tellme URL results in an HTTP 404.  I've tried this on our own Voicebrowsers, as well as on the bevocal Cafe voicebrowser, and both fail the same way.  Similarly, trying to fetch the file directly results in:
	Object not found"
so it appears that these files are not available from tellme.

I also verified that the test script above is the same as the one in the file, and the same one produced by the conformance test harness at:

Some other IR tests that require specific tellme files include #528, #530 and #1003, which similarly fail.

Since these tests depend on tellme files, is tellme still supporting the use of them for IR testing?  If not, any reason that the missing files are not self-contained with the rest of the IR test files?

Alternately, is there some other place I can find these files?

Thanks for any info,

Received on Wednesday, 1 September 2004 19:32:04 UTC