- From: burst bum <burst01@lycos.com>
- Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 09:20:57 -0500
- To: www-voice@w3.org
Cell Phones and Cameras in Masjid It is very distressing that some people who come to Haram ash-Sharif for Umrah and Hajj and also go to Masjid-e-Nabawi keep their cell phones on and whose ringing followed by the telephone conversation disturbs other worshipers. It is equally painful to see people using cell phones while doing Tawaf or Saii. http://www.geocities.com/article_access1/Cell.htm splinter cell 81849 free cell 48901 cell phone plan 48273 cell phone accessory 43117 free cell phone 34523 prepaid cell phone 33793 motorola cell phone 31872 cell splinter through walk 29811 cell cheat splinter 28056 cell 27677 cell phone numbers 25325 cell phone ring tone 22137 nokia cell phone 21504 sprint cell phone 20801 verizon cell phone 20505 cell phone company 20165 cell phone service 19723 cell phone cover 19325 cell phone directory 16799 fuel cell 15676 cell phone ring 15505 samsung cell phone 15038 international cell phone 13807 cell phone battery 12692 cell phone deal 12680 free cell phone ring tone 12143 stem cell 11633 cell tech 11563 stem cell research 11517 cell phone review 11483 cricket cell phone 10229 cheap cell phone 10171 cell cheat ps2 splinter 10053 att cell phone 9713 cell phone number search 9542 cell phone services 9255 cell phone ringer 9239 free cell phone ring 8392 animation cell 8224 cell phone faceplates 8154 sickle cell anemia 7945 at t cell phone 7714 cell phone case 7451 lg cell phone 7444 free cell game 7399 solar cell 7076 cell phone face plate 7029 white blood cell 6924 cell cheat code splinter 6848 cell phone antenna 6502 cell phone reverse lookup 6437 cell phone family plan 6360 squamous cell carcinoma 6355 used cell phone 6292 nextel cell phone 6214 cingular cell phone 6210 cell phone comparison 6123 cell code splinter 6069 cell phone ringtone 5953 free cell phone ringtone 5905 panasonic cell phone 5836 basal cell carcinoma 5730 cell ps2 splinter through walk 5718 pre paid cell phone 5680 box cell cheat splinter x 5448 load cell 5369 t mobile cell phone 4976 cell phone tone 4961 sickle cell 4948 cell phone number lookup 4924 sprint pcs cell phone 4771 free cell phone ringer 4606 free cell solitaire 4558 plant cell 4358 cell phone provider 4312 red blood cell 4242 cell phone game 4206 cell phone rate 4191 cell phone lookup 4173 cell phone number directory 4160 new cell phone 4133 cell phone number 4117 best cell phone 4093 cell phone search 3933 animal cell 3917 free cell phone number search 3773 reverse cell phone directory 3732 motorola cell phone accessory 3691 cell phone rating 3655 cell phone compare 3604 cell phone plan compare 3591 cell hint splinter 3579 cell phone downloads 3480 no credit check cell phone 3459 free cell phone tone 3422 cell phone camera 3387 nokia cell phone accessory 3341 kyocera cell phone 3316 hydrogen fuel cell 3160 cell biology splinter cell 31872 cell splinter through walk 29811 cell cheat splinter 10171 cell cheat ps2 splinter 6924 cell cheat code splinter 6123 cell code splinter 5730 cell ps2 splinter through walk 5680 box cell cheat splinter x 3591 cell hint splinter 2980 cell cheat code ps2 splinter 2839 tom clancys splinter cell 2554 cell cheat clancys splinter tom 2532 splinter cell ps2 2280 cell code ps2 splinter 2180 splinter cell guide 2101 cell cheat pc splinter 1970 box cell splinter through walk x 1954 cell demo splinter 1938 cell clancys splinter through tom walk 1878 2 cell cheat play splinter station 1735 cell splinter tip 1512 box cell cheat code splinter x 1485 cell guide splinter strategy 1393 2 cell splinter 1332 cell help splinter 1311 splinter cell x box 1263 cell patch splinter 1222 cell cheat gamecube splinter 1117 cd cell no splinter 1046 cell pc splinter through walk 984 splinter cell strategy 897 box cell code splinter x 800 2 cell play splinter station through walk 798 cell gamecube splinter through walk 755 cell pandora splinter tomorrow 715 cell download splinter 705 cell code game shark splinter 664 bajar cell guia para splinter 628 2 cell code play splinter station 619 cell pc splinter 618 cell gba rom splinter 567 cd cell no patch splinter 527 cell cheat clancys ps2 splinter tom 515 cell cheat game splinter 504 2 cell play splinter station 485 cell review splinter 475 tom clancy s splinter cell 472 cell cheat hint splinter 443 cell splinter wallpaper 439 cell cheat clancys code splinter tom 425 cell gamecube splinter 411 cell splinter walk 397 cell hint ps2 splinter 387 cell cheat play splinter station 383 cell gba splinter 373 cell guia splinter 359 cell guide ps2 splinter 350 cell splinter throughs walk 341 cell faq splinter 338 cell code gamecube splinter 326 box cell hint splinter x 314 cell clancys code splinter tom 297 cell cheat splinter through walk 287 cell splinter trainer 285 cell splinter thru walk 283 cell cheat cube game splinter 282 splinter cell iso 250 cell mods splinter 248 cell solution splinter 236 cell clancys ps2 splinter tom 235 cell forum splinter 224 cell nocd splinter 220 tom clancy splinter cell 219 cell cheat code gamecube splinter 216 cell play splinter station through walk 215 cell cheat clancy splinter tom 215 cell screenshots splinter 215 cell soluce splinter 210 cell fault general protection splinter 206 cell cheat code pc splinter 199 cell secret splinter 196 advance boy cell game splinter 196 cell guide online splinter strategy 195 cell splinter walkthough 194 cell rom splinter 191 cell gba splinter through walk 189 cell downloads splinter 189 cell game guide splinter 185 cell free guide splinter strategy 183 cell hint splinter tip 178 cell guide ps2 splinter strategy 177 cell game splinter 176 cell picture splinter 170 cell clancys ps2 splinter through tom walk 169 cell cheat gba splinter 169 cell code pc splinter 168 cell level splinter 168 cell ps2 review splinter 162 cell code door splinter 161 cell demo download splinter free cell 43117 free cell phone 12680 free cell phone ring tone 9239 free cell phone ring 7444 free cell game 5953 free cell phone ringtone 4771 free cell phone ringer 4606 free cell solitaire 3917 free cell phone number search 3459 free cell phone tone 2583 free cell phone downloads 2467 free cell card game 2068 free cell phone game 1993 free prepaid cell phone 1822 free cell phone directory 1756 free reverse cell phone lookup 1616 free cell phone offer 1606 cell directory free phone reverse 1310 hands free cell phone 1239 free cell download 1130 cell free graphic phone 1096 cell free lookup number phone 1064 free cell phone no credit check 1022 cell free payday 1013 cell free mobile phone t 999 free cell phone numbers 941 free cell phone lookup 927 free sprint cell phone 845 free cell phone no credit card 795 free at and t cell phone 779 free free cell 771 cell free phone screensaver 769 free cell phone logo 750 free cell phone no credit card needed 726 cell free phone saver screen 721 free verizon cell phone 709 cell free look phone reverse up 685 hands free cell phone kit 671 cell free motorola phone ringtone 654 cell free numbers phone reverse 652 free cell phone service 650 free cell phone search 645 free cell phone no credit card required 644 free nokia cell phone 618 cell free ringtone 613 free cingular cell phone 609 free ringtone for nokia cell phone 609 cell free ring tone 607 free cell phone plan 601 free cell phone accessory 585 free nokia cell phone ring tone 581 free nextel cell phone 573 att free cell phone 567 cell free look up number phone 562 cell free phone reverse 556 free cell play 531 free cell phone bad credit 530 cell free phone wallpaper 516 free reverse cell phone search 516 cell free tone 514 cell free look phone up 510 cell free motorola phone ring tone 483 free free cell game 479 free cell phone activation 476 free pre paid cell phone 475 free cell phone deal 466 free nokia cell phone ring 439 cell find free numbers phone 434 cell free phone sprint vision 432 cell free lookup number phone reverse 429 free cell phone tune 425 free cell solitare 412 cell free ring 396 cell download free free 393 cell download free phone ring 387 free cell game download 386 free cell online 384 cell free microsoft 375 free cell phone without credit card 367 cell free yahoo 364 free cell phone no credit 359 free tmobile cell phone 358 cell free phone trace 356 cell phone ring downloads free 355 cell free phone ringer sprint 354 cell cellular free one phone 348 1 cell free mobile phone t 348 1 cell free phone t 341 free cell prepaid 333 cell cheat free 329 free sprint pcs cell phone 316 free cell phone no deposit 315 free motorola cell phone 308 cell free pc pocket 305 1 cell cingular free phone 302 free prepaid famliy plan cell 302 free cell prepaid wireless famliy plan 295 free cell phone family plan 293 free cell phone free shipping 290 free reverse cell phone number search cell phone plan 6437 cell phone family plan 3604 cell phone plan compare 2640 best cell phone plan 2062 prepaid cell phone plan 1979 cell phone plan comparison 1975 cheap cell phone plan 1848 sprint cell phone plan 1426 cell phone calling plan 1412 verizon cell phone plan 1252 t mobile cell phone plan 1049 at t cell phone plan 914 cell phone plan sprint vision 890 cell phone service plan 854 cingular cell phone plan 747 cell phone rate plan 658 cellular one phone cell plan 640 sprint pcs cell phone plan 607 free cell phone plan 562 at and t mlife cell phone plan 529 cell phone plan shared 505 best cell phone family plan 481 cell family phone plan shared 473 cell phone plan tmobile 426 wireless cell phone plan 405 att cell phone plan 404 cell compare family phone plan 403 cheapest cell phone plan 402 international cell phone plan 397 cell family phone plan sprint 390 cell phone plan without 376 us cellular cell phone plan 348 1 cell mobile phone plan t 348 1 cell pcs phone plan sprint 346 cell family phone plan share 341 calling cell family phone plan 305 1 cell phone plan sprint 304 cricket cell phone plan 301 cell no phone plan 296 cell phone plan review 295 free cell phone family plan 288 cell cheap family phone plan 283 u.s cellular phone cell plan 283 mlife cell phone plan 280 att mlife cell phone plan 279 atandt mlife cell phone plan 265 pre paid cell phone plan 261 nextel cell phone plan 245 at and t cell phone plan 232 at and t cell family phone plan 202 att cell family phone plan 202 cell contract no phone plan 187 cell phone family plan service 184 cell free phone plan verizon 179 19.99 cell phone plan 175 cell phone plan deal 173 att cell great phone plan rate 171 alltel cell phone plan 167 cell phone plan unlimited 155 cell phone sharred plan 154 1 cell phone plan sprint vision 152 cell phone sharred family plan 152 free at and t cell phone plan 151 cricket prepaid wireless famliy plan cell phone 151 free at and t cell family phone plan 150 canada cell phone plan 150 cricket prepaid famliy plan cell phone 138 nokia cell phone plan 135 bad credit cell phone plan 133 cell phone plan rating 132 1 cell cingular phone plan 132 cell consumer phone plan report 117 national cell phone plan 115 cell phone plan service without 110 comparing cell phone plan 106 cell phone phone plan 103 business cell phone plan 103 cell phone plan verizon wireless 102 buy cell phone plan without 97 discount cell phone plan 97 motorola cell phone plan 95 local cell phone plan 91 compare cell phone rate plan 88 best cell deal phone plan 84 nationwide cell phone plan 83 cell phone price plan 80 canadian cell phone plan 79 prepay cell phone plan 76 cell family phone plan verizon 71 cell phone rate plan comparison 68 good cell phone plan 68 cell jammer phone plan 64 cell minnesota phone plan 63 cheap cell phone rate plan 63 cell phone monthly plan 60 cell comparision phone plan 59 cell minutes phone plan unlimited 58 cell phone plan in canada 58 cell cheap free phone plan 58 cell go phone plan cell phone accessory 3732 motorola cell phone accessory 3387 nokia cell phone accessory 2055 samsung cell phone accessory 1003 cheap cell phone accessory 856 wholesale cell phone accessory 823 ericsson cell phone accessory 821 lg cell phone accessory 761 discount cell phone accessory 708 kyocera cell phone accessory 601 free cell phone accessory 582 nextel cell phone accessory 436 audiovox cell phone accessory 408 sprint cell phone accessory 324 sanyo cell phone accessory 309 cool cell phone accessory 305 a310 accessory cell phone samsung 282 panasonic cell phone accessory 217 hands free cell phone accessory 188 discounted cell phone accessory 184 sprint pcs cell phone accessory 167 accessory cell phone specialist 165 cheapest cell phone accessory 163 cute cell phone accessory 155 verizon cell phone accessory 151 siemens cell phone accessory 151 cell phone accessory sony 128 motorola t720 cell phone accessory 101 flashing accessory for cell phone 100 accessory cell ericsson phone sony 96 accessory audiovox cell mvx470 phone 95 motorola v60i cell phone accessory 94 accessory audiovox cell mvx440 phone 94 cellular accessory for cell phone 93 accessory audiovox cell mvx501 phone 92 accessory audiovox cell mvx406 phone 92 accessory audiovox cell mvx475 phone 88 motorola v60 cell phone accessory 84 accessory audiovox cell mvx502 phone 82 body gloves cell phone accessory 80 cell phone accessory wholesaler 79 accessory cell cellularxs from phone 79 qualcomm cell phone accessory 77 3560 accessory cell nokia phone 73 motorola t193 cell phone accessory 72 accessory cell free phone shipping 69 accessory cell motorola p7382 phone 68 cell phone car accessory 68 accessory cell l7089 motorola phone 68 accessory cell motorola p7382i phone 62 accessory cell lg phone vx4400 60 accessory canada cell phone wholesales 60 accessory cell face phone plate 59 accessory cell ericsson phone t300 57 accessory cell packaging phone 55 disney cell phone accessory 53 accessory cell elite phone 53 mobile cell phone accessory 52 nokia 5165 cell phone accessory 52 audiovox cdm130 cell phone accessory 52 accessory audiovox cdm135 cell phone 50 accessory audiovox cdm9500 cell phone 50 accessory cell linc phone southern 50 new york cell phone accessory 49 accessory cell gu87 panasonic phone 48 accessory accessory accessory cell cellular mobile phone phone 48 accessory audiovox cdm120 cell phone 48 accessory audiovox cell mvx480 phone 48 accessory audiovox cell mvx485 phone 47 audiovox cdm9100 cell phone accessory 47 accessory audiovox cell mvx750 phone 47 accessory audiovox cell pcx1000 phone 46 accessory audiovox cdm4500 cell phone 46 accessory audiovox cell mvx405 phone 46 accessory audiovox cell mvx425 phone 46 accessory audiovox cell mvx507 phone 46 accessory audiovox cell mvx700 phone 46 audiovox pcx1100 cell phone accessory 46 lg tm510 cell phone accessory 45 8100 accessory cell phone sanyo 45 accessory audiovox cell mvx401 phone 45 accessory audiovox cell mvx605 phone 45 accessory cell cellular phone supply 45 accessory cell faceplates phone 44 accessory audiovox cdm8000 cell phone 43 accessory audiovox cdm8300 cell phone 43 ccm cell phone accessory 43 ericson cell phone accessory 42 accessory audiovox cell mvx505 phone 41 accessory card cell phone prepaid 41 ericsson t60 cell phone accessory 41 accessory cell lg phone vx10 40 nokia 3595 cell phone accessory 40 cell phone accessory wholesale distributor 39 at t cell phone accessory 39 wireless cell phone accessory 38 att cell phone accessory 38 accessory audiovox cdm9155 cell phone 38 cell phone accessory distributor 38 accessory cell phone phone free cell phone 12680 free cell phone ring tone 9239 free cell phone ring 5953 free cell phone ringtone 4771 free cell phone ringer 3917 free cell phone number search 3459 free cell phone tone 2583 free cell phone downloads 2068 free cell phone game 1993 free prepaid cell phone 1822 free cell phone directory 1756 free reverse cell phone lookup 1616 free cell phone offer 1606 cell directory free phone reverse 1310 hands free cell phone 1130 cell free graphic phone 1096 cell free lookup number phone 1013 cell free mobile phone t 999 free cell phone numbers 941 free cell phone lookup 927 free sprint cell phone 795 free at and t cell phone 771 cell free phone screensaver 769 free cell phone logo 726 cell free phone saver screen 721 free verizon cell phone 709 cell free look phone reverse up 685 hands free cell phone kit 671 cell free motorola phone ringtone 654 cell free numbers phone reverse 652 free cell phone service 650 free cell phone search 644 free nokia cell phone 613 free cingular cell phone 609 free ringtone for nokia cell phone 607 free cell phone plan 601 free cell phone accessory 585 free nokia cell phone ring tone 581 free nextel cell phone 573 att free cell phone 567 cell free look up number phone 562 cell free phone reverse 531 free cell phone bad credit 530 cell free phone wallpaper 516 free reverse cell phone search 514 cell free look phone up 510 cell free motorola phone ring tone 479 free cell phone activation 476 free pre paid cell phone 475 free cell phone deal 466 free nokia cell phone ring 439 cell find free numbers phone 434 cell free phone sprint vision 432 cell free lookup number phone reverse 429 free cell phone tune 393 cell download free phone ring 375 free cell phone without credit card 364 free cell phone no credit 359 free tmobile cell phone 358 cell free phone trace 356 cell phone ring downloads free 355 cell free phone ringer sprint 354 cell cellular free one phone 348 1 cell free mobile phone t 348 1 cell free phone t 329 free sprint pcs cell phone 316 free cell phone no deposit 315 free motorola cell phone 305 1 cell cingular free phone 295 free cell phone family plan 293 free cell phone free shipping 290 free reverse cell phone number search 290 cell free phone ringtone samsung 289 cell free motorola phone ring 284 cell downloads free phone ringer 281 cell directory free number phone 270 cell free numbers phone search 261 totally free cell phone 245 cell free number phone reverse 238 free cell phone online 234 cell free look number phone reverse up 217 hands free cell phone accessory 217 cell find free number phone 209 cell cricket free phone 205 cell free phone verizon wireless 203 cell download free phone ring tone 203 cell free phone ring samsung tone 194 cell free panasonic phone 192 car cell phone hands free 186 free cell phone antenna booster 185 cell download free phone ringtone 184 free flip cell phone 184 cell free phone plan verizon 180 free alltel cell phone 180 background cell free phone 180 free cell phone minute 178 boost cell free phone 178 cell free lookup numbers phone reverse 176 cell download free phone ringer 175 1 cell free pcs phone sprint prepaid cell phone 2062 prepaid cell phone plan 1993 free prepaid cell phone 1370 prepaid cell phone card 1031 prepaid cell phone service 814 cell mobile phone prepaid t 705 sprint prepaid cell phone 509 cheap prepaid cell phone 436 cell phone prepaid virgin 409 verizon prepaid cell phone 374 cingular prepaid cell phone 373 att prepaid cell phone 351 cell pcs phone prepaid sprint 350 nokia prepaid cell phone 283 at t prepaid cell phone 240 prepaid cell phone services 235 cell minutes phone prepaid 200 cricket prepaid cell phone 184 prepaid wireless cell phone 182 new prepaid cell phone 181 boost mobile prepaid cell phone 167 prepaid local cell phone service 167 motorola prepaid cell phone 161 cell comparison phone prepaid 147 best prepaid cell phone 133 prepaid cell phone deal 124 nextel prepaid cell phone 107 cell mobile phone prepaid virgin 104 cell coverage nationwide phone prepaid 89 cell international phone prepaid 83 cell compare phone prepaid 80 alltel cell phone prepaid 75 cell phone prepaid calling card 73 prepaid cell phone company 61 cell package phone prepaid 60 att prepaid cell phone card 59 cell phone prepaid verizon wireless 57 tmobile prepaid cell phone 52 boost cell phone prepaid 52 prepaid flip cell phone 51 canada cell phone prepaid 51 cheapest cell phone prepaid 51 cell free night phone prepaid weekend 50 best cell deal phone prepaid 50 cell contract no phone prepaid 50 cell offer phone prepaid 49 cell phone prepaid uk 47 card cell free phone prepaid 46 cell phone prepaid review 45 prepaid phone card cell phone 45 cell phone prepaid rate 43 cell information phone prepaid 42 cell go phone prepaid 41 accessory card cell phone prepaid 41 cell mart phone prepaid wal 40 buy prepaid cell phone 38 wholesale prepaid cell phone 37 cell phone prepaid radio shack 36 cell compare phone plan prepaid 36 cell phone prepaid tracfone 34 at t prepaid cell phone card 33 audiovox cell phone prepaid 31 cell cellular phone prepaid 31 cell disposable phone prepaid 30 cell nokia phone prepaid tf5180ipc2 tracfone 30 cell paid phone pre prepaid wireless 29 prepaid voicestream cell phone 28 best cell phone plan prepaid 28 cell lg phone prepaid tm510pp 28 cell phone prepaid special 27 cell phone phone prepaid 27 cell phone prepaid t wireless 26 cell free minutes phone prepaid 26 cell kit phone prepaid 25 used cell phone prepaid -- _______________________________________________ Find what you are looking for with the Lycos Yellow Pages http://r.lycos.com/r/yp_emailfooter/http://yellowpages.lycos.com/default.asp?SRC=lycos10
Received on Thursday, 2 September 2004 13:14:18 UTC