Malformed JSON output format

When requesting the JSON output, returned data seems to be malformed:

     "url": "...",
     "messages": [

               "lastLine": 24,
               "lastColumn": 185,
               "message": & did not start a character reference.  
(& probably should have been escaped as &.),
               "messageid": "html5",
               "explanation":     <p class="helpwanted">
title="Suggest improvements on this error message through our feedback  
               "type": "error"

Note that "message" and "explanation" values aren't quoted.

Is it an expected behavior or am I doing something wrong? To get JSON  
output format, I append ";output=json" to the URL, as described at

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 27 January 2010 22:04:37 UTC