Re: 404 Error — Please Help


On 12-Aug-08, at 9:59 PM, lytrotis wrote:

> We recently had a custom Joomla! 1.0 template created and installed by
> In the past, we've never had a problem with  
> them but
> on this project they have been very slow and unresponsive. A major  
> part of
> their service is to create w3 valid sites, however this site is  
> displaying a
> "404 not found" error and they have not responded to any of our  
> emails over
> the last several weeks about this. At this point, I've given up on  
> them and
> am trying to figure out how to resolve this. At least, I just want  
> to get w3
> to at least read this site!?

The w3-markup company has nothing to do with the W3C or its validating  
tools - beyond, perhaps, the fact that they use our tools.
I suggest you keep trying to contact them directly and settle this  

olivier Thereaux - W3C -
W3C Open Source Software :

Received on Wednesday, 13 August 2008 11:32:36 UTC