Re: [ANN] markup validator 0.8.3 released

Frank Ellermann wrote:
> The "whatsnew" file says:
> | Conformance: The validator now warns about incorrect
> | public/system identifiers combinations
> They are not really "incorrect", or are they ?  The
> warning uses the adjective "inconsistent".  I still
> wonder how that's supposed to work:
I would have to agree with this.  The SYSTEM identifier is permitted to 
change by definition.  If you look in the XHTML specs, for example, they 
all say something like "There MUST be a DOCTYPE declaration in the 
document prior to the root element. If present, the public identifier 
included in the DOCTYPE declaration MUST reference the DTD found in ... 
using its public identifier. The system identifier MAY be modified 
appropriately."  I don't think having the validator warn about SYSTEM 
identifiers that are different is a useful feature.  If the validator 
wants to use its local cached versions of DTDs, what it should do is 
check the SYSTEM identifier against its perception of correct.  If it 
matches, great.  If it does not, dereference the one specified by the 
document and use it.  Otherwise the validator is not doing what I (at 
least) would expect.  I know that is not how an SGML catalog 
traditionally is used, but in this case I think it is appropriate.  Or, 
alternately, have a checkbox that means "use the DTD I specify".

And no, I don't know why I always capitalize SYSTEM.

Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
Managing Director                            Fax: +1 763 786-8180
ApTest Minnesota                            Inet:

Received on Saturday, 9 August 2008 13:55:05 UTC