Re: XHTML Basic updated

On 4-Aug-08, at 10:04 AM, olivier Thereaux wrote:
> * install squid (HTTP cache) on the validator servers
> * setup squid to *only* cache DTDs, schemas, entities, modules (but  
> cache them very aggressively)
> * add an option in the validator config to use caching proxy OR  
> catalog
>  (the latter will be default option)

That was assuming that the two software components likely to fetch  
DTDs or Schemas actually supported the use of a caching proxy. A bit  
more research later, I could not find authoritative info on whether  
libxml2 does, but as far as OpenSP is concerned, the news are not good:

This unfortunately makes the idea of using caching proxies instead of  
catalogs/entity resolvers moot. The (thin, I admit) hope is that  
adding proxy support seems to be on a possible roadmap - at least  
according to this 2003 thread:
So maybe if someone wants to give it a shot...

In the meantime, the validator release is still scheduled for Friday,  
but without proxy support.


Received on Monday, 4 August 2008 15:14:52 UTC