Re: Some suggestions for the SOAP api

Bonjour Olivier, Chris, everyone!

On 10/15/07, olivier Thereaux <> wrote:
> Yes, they are, the helpwanted could indeed be removed altogether from
> soap output.

I don't actually agree with this Olivier, this link has its
purpose and meaning  after all.

If we remove it, we lose the chance to have
more -maybe constructive- feedback from users outside
the W3C validator.
In fact, apps may offer the possibility to help back the W3C.
But IMHO the soap api should offer more flexibility to the
app developer in order to be able to represent, formulate and
design his feedback links ans sub-systems the way he
want it, without any formal or style impeachments

> Regarding your suggestions for the output, things like:
> >   <m:explanationparagraphtext>
> ... sound a bit overkill. What's the gain between this and a <p>?

Again, I strongly believe that an HTML content isn't just text wrapped
with tags, and the html explanation the way it is given now has two
sides: the content and its inner semantics.
So, I agree, HTML explanation is richer hence better than flat text.

Innovate Humanum Est

Received on Monday, 15 October 2007 23:34:50 UTC