Re: Problem with validator

Jasper Magick wrote:
> It says there is an </p> on line 200 that was never open

> <p>
>     <fieldset style="width:300px">
> </p> <- This is line 200

> As you can see, there is an open <p> that it goes along with.  I think
> this is an error on the validators part.

No, it isn't. The end tag for the p element is optional in HTML. The p
element cannot contain block elements like fieldset, so the start tag
for the fieldset element closes the p element by implication. Thus there
isn't an option p element when the p end tag is reached.

This is described in the error message you provided a screen shot of.

(Incidentally, double line breaks are a poor substitute for margins and
images with captions are not a set of fields).

David Dorward                               <>

Received on Thursday, 5 April 2007 22:03:10 UTC