Re: Unknown Parse Mode! in form submission

Lachlan Hunt wrote:

>> Is that a bug ?
> Well, technically, no. <?xml> is a valid SGML PI.

Tough.  Than the "extended direct input" interface might need
a second submit button for "pretend that you saw text/xml" (?)

On the "extended direct input" page it wont't confuse users
who are not interested in such details.  This WAPFORUM XHTML
case could be documented on one of the two DOCTYPE FAQ-pages.

> in reality, nobody uses PIs in HTML, particularly not ones
> that look so the same as the XML declaration without
> intending it to be that.

A pragmatic solution instead of a second button would be also
fine, e.g. with a message "assuming Content-type: text/xml" or
something in this direction:
> it should inform the user that the presence of the XML
> declaration has triggered XML parsing mode.

Yes.  It's "direct input", experimental, and unrelated to all 
"valid whatever" icons.
>> the fastest fix might be to use SYSTEM instead of PUBLIC
> Why would that work?

When I was once lost with DOCTYPE validator issues using SYSTEM
solved it.  Checking Neerav's example, no, for "direct input"
that doesn't help.  I confused that with a case where I needed
to bypass the validator's knowledge of a public identifier.

(IIRC that was a case where the official W3C DTD was updated,
 and the validator still had the old DTD in its own SGML-lib.)

>> the error message is wrong if encoding="US-ASCII" and
>> charset="UTF-8" are different.
> It shouldn't.  When XHTML is treated as XML, XML rules apply

Because I had no clue what the problem in Neerav's example is,
I tried to add encoding="US-ASCII".  That results in an error:

| Character Encoding mismatch! 
| The character encoding specified in the XML declaration
| (utf-8) is different from the value in the <meta> element ().
| I will use the value from the XML declaration (utf-8) for
| this validation.

With his unmodified example I get no such error, and if I try
to add encoding="UTF-8" it's also okay.  The info "I will use
the value from the XML declaration (utf-8)" is erroneous, I had
added encoding="US-ASCII".
> The meta element is not defined for use in XML.

Okay, but in that case the validator was already confused about
SGML vs. XML, and said "Parsing will continue in SGML mode".


Received on Tuesday, 5 September 2006 05:01:48 UTC