Error Message Feedback


I am having a problem with validating a page on my site:

I am pretty sure every thing is okay, but I get loads of errors.  They can 
be traced back to 2 things;

1. At one place, I am using JavaScript to place some HTML in the document. 
However, the validator ignores the fact that the quotes need to be escaped 
or that I am not placing HTML inside a script tag as such, but rather into a 

2. The code I have written has & in all links and this is what displays 
in view page source.  However, the validator somehow picks up an additional 
hidden pass through with a PHP session id.  As this is not visible under 
view source and the code writer has no control over how php places its 
session variables in links, is it right for a document to fail validation on 
these grounds?

Would advisories not be better than fails for this type of problem?

Thanks in advance,

Dave Williams

Received on Monday, 7 August 2006 18:11:03 UTC