Problems setting up the W3C validator


I started installing the W3C validator for HTML. My system configuration 
is about: x86,SuSE 9.2, kernel 2.6.8, apache 2.0.50, perl 5.8.5

So I downloaded the latest tarballs directly from the W3C homepage. I 
got a file called "validator.tar.gz" and a file called 
"sgml-libs.tar.gz". I installed the packages like described in the short 
Installation Documentation. I also installed OpenSP at version 1.5.1. 
The check script is executable for the apache user, the homepage that 
should be checked is also readable.
But I don't think that the problem is there.
When I pointed my browser (firefox 1.0.4) to the virtual host of apache, 
I got a simple site of the validator, I don't think that the header.html 
and the footer.html are included. Can anyone send me a browser 
screenshot of his working installation (of the index.html and the output 
of the check script, in the original structure of the source), please?
And when I enter the URL to the homepage, that is to check and press 
"check" I only see the whole source code of the check script.
I think that the apache doesn't execute the check script but displays it.
Where do I have to search for the problem? I cant't find a entry in the 
logs of apache. Is there a way to check whether apache executes the 
script? How do I have do configure apache, that he executes the file? 
What modules of apache have to be loaded?

Lots of thanks for your help


Received on Wednesday, 15 June 2005 01:59:06 UTC