Re: Problems setting up the W3C validator

Hello Martin,

On Jun 15, 2005, at 5:39, Martin Ereth wrote:
> So I downloaded the latest tarballs directly from the W3C homepage. I 
> got a file called "validator.tar.gz" and a file called 
> "sgml-libs.tar.gz". I installed the packages like described in the 
> short Installation Documentation.

The most relevant documentation for your setup is at :
Not sure if that is what you call the "short" installation 

> When I pointed my browser (firefox 1.0.4) to the virtual host of 
> apache, I got a simple site of the validator, I don't think that the 
> header.html and the footer.html are included. Can anyone send me a 
> browser screenshot of his working installation

It should look exactly like what's at

The documentation has instructions for setting up your apache server to 
handle the documents and scripts for the validator, but basically you 

Alias /w3c-validator/ "/my/path/to/validator/htdocs/"
ScriptAlias /w3c-validator/check 

<Directory /my/path/to/validator/htdocs>
   Options               ExecCGI IncludesNOEXEC Indexes MultiViews
   AllowOverride         None
   AddHandler            server-parsed .html
   AddCharset            utf-8         .html

(replace w3c-validator with the relative URI path you wish to use, and 
/my/path/to/validator with where you installed the files)

Hope this helps.

Received on Saturday, 18 June 2005 08:40:55 UTC