Re: (Entire) Site validation

On Apr 22, 2004, at 22:13, Pete Prodoehl wrote:
>  I wrote some code to do whole site validation

Cool. Thanks for doing this and thanks for putting under the GPL.

> If anyone finds it useful, or has suggestions, please let me know.

Hmm, instead of:
	# we implement screen scraping, which is just wrong, wrong, wrong...
	# this is likely to break in the future if the validator changes it's  
	$content =~ s/^(.*?)Source\sListing.*/$1/s;
	my $result;
	if ($content =~ /This\sPage\sIs\sValid/s) {
		$result = 'OK';

You could try what the Log Validator is doing, i.e use LWP::UserAgent  
to do a HEAD and have it check our specific HTTP headers with code  
More at: 

Note that X-W3C-Validator-Status and X-W3C-Validator-Errors aren't  
officially documented, but they're most likely to stay.


Received on Thursday, 22 April 2004 22:07:53 UTC