Re: Tips for deprecated tags and attributes

Terje Bless wrote:

> any such suggestions, not beeing actual Validation, would
> need to be optional.

Another idea would be a "visible with legacy browsers" DTD
designed for new pages trying to be compatible with legacy
browsers.  This DTD wouldn't allow size= / face= in <font>,
but require name= corresponding to id= in anchors.

It could eliminate anything which is not essential for new
and simple pages, e.g. only external CSS as in XHTML basic,
no more <center>, but <div align="center"> is still okay,
no <del> without <s>, and some other "XHTML strict" quirks.

For me "transitional" is far too "transitional" and "strict"
is far too "strict".  I miss something like "simple", and
it's not the same as "basic".
                             Bye, Frank

Received on Tuesday, 20 April 2004 08:47:54 UTC