Re: font problem and more

Hi Kynn,

Thank you for writing.  I should have mentioned it in my original letter, 
thank you for reminding me.  I'm using WinXP Pro and I had checked the 
browser font settings (and rechecked them after receiving Gannon's 
letter).  All is set correctly.  I have Times New Roman and Courier and the 
two default font (as I typed that I typed it "defaulty" =) and something 
surely is "faulty".  There doesn't appear to be a default for sans-serif, 
but I have MS sans-serif, verdana, arial, etc, etc. on my computer so why 
it's picking this weird, unreadable one I don't know.

I'm thinking of going through and deleting all strange fonts!  The problem 
ONLY occurs when the creator specifies the generic sans-serif font.  If it 
is written,"verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif" or any one of them in 
front of sans-serif all looks fine.  I tried to find in Word which font it 
uses as the default sans-serif font, but after much looking I couldn't find 
that specification.  I guess no one is Word actually writes in the generic 

I think I may try and reinstall IE and I sure hope I won't have to 
reinstall Windows!! What a pain that would be!!  I do have Netscape 7 to 
use, but I do prefer using IE; except for this dang problem!!

Again, thanks for answering.  I'm not sure where the list appears for this 
topic, so if anyone is answering me there, I won't know it.  Oh, well.  I 
will send a note if I do get this fixed somehow.

My best,


Wow, your browser is pretty screwed up.

Check your preferences to see if you can tell it what fonts to use for
generic sans-serif. You didn't mention what platform you're using, and IE
is very different on Mac vs. Windows, but my version of Mac IE has options
under Languages/Fonts to allow me to set my own defaults for the
generic font families.

Alternately, reinstall IE.

Alternately, reinstall Windows.

Alternately, install Opera or Mozilla or Safari.

Alternately, install Linux. :)

The point is, though, that your browser as currently functioning is quite
broken because it's displaying a font you don't want it to display. You
should be able to correct this problem through configuration. If not, then
there's something wrong with your browser.

Kynn Bartlett <>
Chief Technologist, Idyll Mountain
Author, CSS in 24 Hours
Inland Anti-Empire Blog
Shock & Awe Blog

Received on Monday, 5 May 2003 23:42:33 UTC