Re: default charset broken

At 18:13 03/06/07 +0100, Philip TAYLOR [PC336/H-XP] wrote:

>Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:

> > Most major user agents implement what HTML says rather than what
> > HTTP/1.1 says, why should the HTML Validator not do what the HTML
> > specification requires?
>That is the weakest argument I have ever seen!  "Most major user
>agents" accept tag soup; should the HTML validator do the same ?

There is a very significant difference between:
a) choosing one of two clearly documented behaviors (HTTP or HTML)
b) choosing between clarity and correctness on one side and
    undocumented obscurity on the other side.

Regards,    Martin.

Received on Sunday, 8 June 2003 17:32:42 UTC