unvalid HTML in Valid HTML stamp code

Hi there

    I'm a web developer very proud of following the w3c recomendations
    for good HTML code. After a while building pages by the HTML 4.01
    transitional standard I decided to shift to the HTML 4.01 strict on
    a new project my team is starting to work on.

    It happens that while validating some pages I decided to include the
    valid HTML 4.01 stamp provided when the page validates, by pasting
    the code supplied in the w3c's page:

        <a href="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer"><img
        alt="Valid HTML 4.01!" height="31" width="88"></a>

    Unfortunately, this code breaks HTML 4.10 strict validation ( height
    and width in the image tag ). Will you correct this mistake for the
    4.01 strict standard by using style="..." in the image tag ?

Best regards,

 Bruno Trevisan

 bt@async.com.br          |=| Async Open Source |=| D. Alexandrina, 2534
 http://www.async.com.br/ |=| +55 16 261-2331   |=| 13566-290
                          |=| +55 16 9781-8717  |=| São Carlos, SP, Brasil

Received on Wednesday, 22 January 2003 15:32:14 UTC