Re: Newbie problems setting up validator

On Wed, 2003-08-06 at 17:24, Peter Burden wrote:

> Can't load 
> '/export/home/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/sun4-solaris/auto/Text/Iconv/' 
> for module Text::Iconv: /export/home/local/bin/perl: fatal: 
> open failed: No such file or directory at 
> /export/home/local/lib/perl5/5.8.0/sun4-solaris/ line 229., 
> at /export/home/local/util/validator/httpd/cgi-bin/check line 53,
> I've run "make test" in the Text-Iconv build directory and that was OK.
> does exist in the directory /export/home/local/lib and the 
> access rights
> are OK

I'm not a Solaris expert, shooting in the dark, but on Linux I'd first
try out adding /export/home/local/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment
var (dunno what the corresponding one is on Solaris).

Does "/export/home/local/bin/perl -MText::Iconv -e ''" work on the
console?  If it does, it's probably got something to do with the way
your Apache environment is configured.  See the SetEnv Apache


Received on Thursday, 7 August 2003 14:02:39 UTC