Re: Beta: OpenSP vs. -R

Bjoern Hoehrmann <> wrote:

>The Validator is documented as using OpenSP for validation. OpenSP
>1.4's onsgmls does not know about the -R switch the check script uses in

Thanks, good catch. I'll update the documentation to refer to "OpenSP
1.5pre8 or newer". Hmmm. I guess I'd better check that that patch went in
in time before 1.5pre8. ISTR Liam was working against 1.5pre8 when he made
it -- do you recall which version it was, Liam? -- so it's possible you
need 1.5pre9 (which only exists in CVS as yet).

Thanks Björn! I'd completely forgot about that.

> ...publicity rights, moral rights, and rights against unfair competition...
Well, you've got me there.   I have no idea what any of those have to do with
SGML. Next you'll be claiming that running NSGMLS constitutes an unauthorized
public performance of SGML.                                  -- Richard Tobin

Received on Saturday, 26 October 2002 14:23:33 UTC