Re: Beta: file name extensions + 403 permission error w/ validator

Omitting document extensions seems very odd.
Omitting a document extension to me indicates 
some level of deception, and gives the URI suspicion.

On a different note, I joined the list b/c the 
validator began giving me 403 error feedback saying 
it didn't have permission to access the document.
I found no adequate reference on-line to why this 
might be. Help?	

Sean N. Henderson,
212-592-3726 voicemail

> Date:       Wed, 23 Oct 2002 13:01:58 +0200
> From:       Bjoern Hoehrmann <>
> To:
> Subject:    Beta: file name extensions
> I got a "tip" that points at
> That's a rather surprising tip, since the document tells information
> providers to omit file name extentensions from URIs, something the
> validator does not do for it's documents :-)

Received on Wednesday, 23 October 2002 12:32:23 UTC