Re: example of error that validator misses.

At 03:07 PM 2002-11-11, Bjoern Hoehrmann wrote:
>* Al Gilman wrote:
> >But I thought you still might be interested in an example of a case where
> >invalid
> >coding in the page brought me grief and the validator doesn't catch it.
> >
> >The URI-reference in question is
> >
> >
> >
> >A bug in the coding of this page is
> >
> >  <a name="#wai"></a>
>This is a valid name attribute.
> >Neither Netscape nor Lynx will follow the broken reference, but IE will.
>The reference is indeed broken, it should be
> >The page is invalid in its own right (without trying to access it by that
> >URI-reference) because of the requirement that the attribute
> >meet the 'name' syntactic production which requires an alpha character as
> >the initial character, and hence does not allow a leading hash.  But the
> >SGML parser doesn't check this, it seems.
>The name attribute is CDATA not NAME.

Ah yes, how naive of me to assume that the namespace that and 
share should be of a uniform type.


Received on Monday, 11 November 2002 15:32:23 UTC