Re: Beta: White-space in public identifier

Bjoern Hoehrmann <> wrote:

>According to XML 1.0 all sequences of white-space in the public
>identifier must be reduced to a single space character [...] but the
>validator does not normalize the white-space and thus does not recognize
>the document as beeing XHTML 1.0 Strict.

Thanks. I've checked in a quick fix for this. Will be in the next version.

My mom is a professional botanist, or, as her spousal equivalent described
it, they'll be out hiking in the woods, she'll see a plant off by the side
of the trail, run up to it, bend down, and start talking Latin at it.
                                                      -- Steve VanDevender

Received on Sunday, 3 November 2002 10:33:20 UTC