Re: says it's valid, but it isn't even well-formed

Tobias Reif <> wrote:

>Terje Bless wrote:
>>The limitations in OpenSP's XML support are:
>I'm looking forward to when a real XML validator will be used.

OpenSP *is* a "real XML validator"; more so, in fact, then most as it
actually treats XML as a limited profile of SGML. :-)

>It would be best if several choices would be offered to the user:
>   * Xerces-C (eg DOMCount or other Xerces-based)
>   * Xerces-J
>   * xmllint
>   * others

I disagree. The inner workings of the Validator should be kept from the
user when it is possible to do so. Offering multiple backend parsers to end
users carries a cost in usability and maintenance/support with little
actual value gained. Having support for multiple back-end parsers is good
from a development perspective -- and is allready on our TODO list for that
reason -- but probably with only one officially supported backend at any
given time.

Right now it looks like that backend will be Xerces-C[0], with possibly an
option for OpenSP since we need that for SGML in any case.

[0] - Well, Xerces-P, actually, but as these are just Perl bindings for
      Xerces-C it amounts to mostly the same thing.

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 list of new features since Python 1.6, released earlier today. We don't plan
 on any new releases in the next 24 hours."  - From Python 2.0b1 Announcement

Received on Friday, 13 December 2002 01:16:08 UTC